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S'inscrire dans un club français ou espagnol

Please find here all of our payment options.

Firstly, once you have enrolled, the main payment options will be displayed in your account including:

  • Single or Monthly Direct Debit

  • Standing Order

  • Bank Payment

  • Cheque

Please make all cheques and bank transfers payable to LCF


Here are our alternate payment options - you will need to fill the form in to complete payment via these methods, in order that we are informed or we can set up your method of payment. 


 1. You can pay by card online. We also offer in-person payments in our out-of-school clubs, this is the only way you can use the contactless methods of payment shown here e.g. G Pay/Apple Pay. 

To  pay online, fill in the form below and follow through to the link to make your payment. Sorry, you will have to enter the payment amount here and again on the payment page on the Sumup website just so we can match your payment to your form submission.  You will also need to have completed enrolment or renewal first, to obtain your balance to pay. 



2. We also offer a yearly direct debit, based on the estimated number of clubs for the academic year and membership, split over the 11-12 months until the following August. Complete the form and we will get back to you with information, which depends whether or not you've ever paid us with Direct Debit before. 


3. We also offer the same as above but standing order - we give you the number of months and the amount to pay and you set it up in your own bank. 


Request an alternative payment method

I would like to pay by:
Pay form
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