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home of LCF Clubs in Greater Manchester & Lancs


Coronavirus and Risk Assessment

Here at Le Club Français & El Club Español we value our staff and our member children. During lockdown we have continued our clubs online, but as we start to move in to our  schools and venues again, we have evaluated our risk assessment and added a COVID addendum and policies for our staff to follow. This ensures that any risk of attending is fully covered in our risk assessment and mitigated as much as possible by measures that goverment guidance has suggested, or by further measures that we have put in place ourselves. This is both for the protection of both the staff and of the children in our care.


Here is the LCF Policy for returning to Clubs at schools & venues in person:

Some of the measures in this document that we have in place include:


- Capping the class size to 15 to enable us to introduce singing (quietly with mitigating procedures inc. good ventilation) or fewer if the room is not capable of holding 15 children at 1m+ distance or is not ventilated.

- Restricting the use of shared physical resources and printouts

- Taking our rewards and certificates online

- All children in a physical club will have to be signed up online from the first session and may not join on an ad-hoc trial basis (refund policy will be changed to reflect this and allow refunds if the child does not continue)


You can download and view our full risk assessment by clicking the button below (TBC):

We hope these measures and all the measures in our risk assessment will be satisfactory and give you confidence in returning to our clubs. Please if you think we are missing anything or something needs to be adjusted, we would like to give it consideration as soon as possible, so please contact us straight away.

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